Spring Camp
The 2025 LHSS Spring Camp is an annual 6-week long clinic that will challenge your skaters’ use of edges and speed while also working on aligning their body in the proper skating positions.
Spring is a great time to let the pressures of the season go and be free to make mistakes while gaining new skills. Tryouts are right around the corner, and our team of coaches will do our best to make sure your player is prepared and will stand out from the crowd.
Age & Skill Level
Skaters must be born within 2006-2016 and must also be the appropriate skill level.
There are registrations options for AAA, AA, A, and Select skaters.
There are also registration options for High School Varsity and JV skaters.
Group Sessions
All skaters will be divided into 1 of 5 groups, according to age and skill level. Each group has two 1-hr sessions per week.
Group 1: 2006-2012 AAA & Varsity HS
Group 2: 2008-2012 AA & JV HS
Group 3: 2008-2012 AA/A & JV HS
Group 4: 2013-2015 AAA/AA
Group 5: 2012-2016 A/Select
The Spring Camp runs from Monday, March 10th through Friday, April 18th. Times are dependent on your group and the date (click on pdf file below for full schedule), but run between 4:40 and 8:20pm.
Group 1: Mon/Fri
Group 2: Wed/Fri
Group 3: Tues/Thurs
Group 4: Mon/Wed
Group 5: Tues/Thurs
All sessions will be held at Chiller North or Chiller Ice Works, but depend on your group and the date (click on pdf file below for full schedule).
The cost for the 6-week camp is $525 per skater. (This equals out to $43.75 for each of the 12 sessions.)
Registration & Waitlist
Registration opens on January 17th at 9:00 am.
Registration is on a first come/first serve basis and opens for all LHSS members at the same time. If your age/skill group session is sold out, please join our waitlist and we will notify you if a spot becomes available.
**Please note that your player must be registered at their CURRENT playing level or they may be blocked out of their group due to it being full.
Refund Policy
No refunds for any registrations or for any dates that your skater will be absent. In the case of illness or injury, please give email notification of the absence PRIOR to the start of the session and we will assess on an individual basis.
Inclement Weather
We follow the weather closings & delays of the Chiller Ice Rinks. Please refer to their website/social media to see if there are any new alerts, and please plan accordingly for difficult road conditions.
Our LHSS swag table will be available during the last week of the camp with various items for purchase. You can also visit our online store to order: LHSS Swag.
**If you are interested in volunteering to help run the swag table, please contact LHSS.
Frequently Asked Questions
I know that my skater will not be able to make one or more of the scheduled dates for their group (for example, for spring break). Will I be refunded for those days?
No - no refunds/credits will be made for any dates that your skater will be absent (see refund policy above). The price of the camp is for the 6-week (12-session) camp as a whole. However, please do let us know which days your skater will miss so that we can adjust our lesson plans accordingly.
My skater plays AA, but their groups are full. Can I register them for a different skill level group?
No - we ask you to only register for the group that corresponds with their current playing level. This is to ensure that all lessons are appropriate and that all skaters can work together cohesively. Please join the waitlist for your level instead.
What should my skater wear to camp?
All skaters should have wear full equipment (including hockey stick) and standard practice attire. No special jersey is required.
2025 Spring Camp
This registration is for the 10th Annual Spring Camp. It is a 6-week long camp held from March 10th through April 18th, 2025.