The Science behind LHSS

Balance/Body Awareness
- Identify & isolate skaters' balance/body breakdown
- Form proper body positioning using muscle memory building exercises
- Build balance & body strength using tight area skating drills
- Teach the fundamentals & uses of the 4 basic skating edges
- Gain strength & control of edges through single leg skating drills
- Challenge the skaters' edges/ crossovers in game situation drills
- Isolate the skaters' body position breakdowns while performing turns/pivots
- Teach weight control & momentum techniques to maximize turns/ pivots
- Use game situation drills to gain confidence in turns/pivots
- Place the body in proper skating stance to maximize skaters' speed
- Utilize quick-foot drills to speed up skaters' reaction times on their first 3 steps
- Challenge the skaters' with fast-changing directional drills to establish confidence